José María Maestre
Antiguo alumno de EUDE y HP Business Partner en BT Global Services
“Todavía me acuerdo de la cercanía de los profesores, de su experiencia y de la profesionalidad con la que abordaban todo el temario”
Ver videoEUDE Business School has been acknowledged as one of the most outstanding business schools at international level by prestigious media, such as The Financial Times and the main international rankings. These endorse and position EUDE in the first places in postgraduate training.
EUDE Business School has been chosen by business-and-finance reference global media, which translates into an alliance for the future for the next world leaders.
EUDE’s online MBA is considered as one of the best in the world, according to prestigious economic newspaper The Financial Times.
EUDE’s MBA is acknowledged as one of the best Spanish-speaking masters’ degrees on the FSO Ranking at European level.
EUDE is acknowledged as one of the best business school in Spanish language by independent consulting firm Hamilton.
Online // Online + 15 days in Madrid
1 500 h = 60 ECTS credits.
Every 15 days (online).
Online content . Virtual Campus
7 (English, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Spanish and Dutch).
EUDE Business School. Virtual Campus
The aim of this introductory area to the MBA is to know the features of the trade company-different from other types of organisations-addressing crucial aspects in the setting and in the proper running and governance of companies, such as the proper preparation of the Mission, Vision and Values of a company; the philosophy, the influence of business culture and the management of organisational changes.
Another aim to address is the importance of leadership in any organisation, given that markets today, more than ever and above all, require well-managed and well-led companies.
On finishing this area of knowledge, the student will have been able to achieve a realistic vision of companies in the current environment; know and create the organisational structure a business’ needs, know different styles in management and leadership, their influence on the company’s economic results as well as the role of the company’s general management.
The aim of the strategy modules is to carry out practical work on the criteria and tools necessary to analyse, diagnose, define, implement and control the most suitable strategy for the company, analysing the various strategic alternatives and competitive advantages based on the market circumstances.
On finishing these modules, the student shall be capable of:
The essential purpose of this area of knowledge is that the student should know the role played by people within organisations. Thanks to this premise, the development and components making up the discipline – known today either as “Human Resources”, “Human Capital” or “People Management” – are revised.
A description of the main processes associated with this discipline shall follow and will end with the integrative process that the Director of Human Resources shall have with the rest of the functional areas in the company. At the end of this area the student will:
This area will give an account of the importance of Marketing in the current competitive environments and the need to act with a market-oriented outlook, with a customer’s view that may be used as a compass in the company’s Marketing and strategic actions.
The Operational Marketing strategies needed to implement Marketing Plans will also be analysed; and the importance of Digital Marketing will be introduced, particularly, the need to plan the appropriate Social Media strategies as well as the basic SEO / SEM concepts.
In addition, there will be an in-depth approach to the commercial management and to the commercial teams’ leadership to achieve the objectives of any organization, as well as to setting out effective strategies for trading drive.
At the end of this area studies, the student will be trained to:
Finance makes up an essential part of any MBA, as it is key for any company to count on a managing board that knows how to create alternatives and make decisions in terms of the economy and finance, and foresee the implications for the company as a whole.
Regardless of training and of previous professional experience, at the end of this area the student will be able to:
The maturity of national markets has forced companies to seek new horizons, clients and markets, that is, go abroad, making internationalisation a necessity not only for large companies but also for SMEs. This exit abroad requires very specific knowledge so as not to make a wrong step since errors in this field can be very costly for the company.
At the end of the Foreign Trade modules the student will have had the opportunity to know, in a practical and close way, how the international business of the company is managed and its implications; its operation, means of collection, financing needs and the projects of the company, the existing basic risks and the particularities and typologies of most common contracts.
Introduce the students into the knowledge and tools of Global Logistics in a practical and dynamic way as an essential part of a company’s business model. These should include features related to the supply, purchasing, planning and production management; storage, transportation and distribution of the products offered to final consumers.
The purpose is that the student will eventually be able to have:
Innovation and technology are strategic factors for competitiveness in companies, present in every activity of the value chain in organisations. The above makes them basic pillars for establishing competitive advantages.
These strategic factors coupled with constant technological changes and the shortening of both products and service useful lives underline the importance attached to savvily manage innovation and technology management, enabling companies to consolidate or improve their position on the market. This area means to answer questions like: What is innovation and why do companies innovate? How is innovation achieved? What is the role of technology in the company and how is it managed? How are companies technologically supplied? Why is technology protected and what mechanisms are used to this purpose?
Therefore, the student will be able to:
Today’s manager must face multiple unexpected situations in which, apart from knowledge, it is required to reach a series of managerial skills and competencies that will enable them to interact suitably with others.
Once the studies of the area are finished, the student will be able to:
The employer and the manager do not necessarily have to be law professionals; however, this does not mean that crucial legal aspects should be ignored from the point of view of management – especially when dealing with commercial and fiscal matters that need to be known to carry out the company management with security and confidence.
The Master’s Dissertation (MD) seeks the practical application of the knowledge and tools achieved by the student during the programme, under an entrepreneurial initiative or a substantial improvement of an existing business activity through the development of a Business Plan. We mean the MD to be:
Provide the students with the skills and capabilities needed to lead, manage and undertake a business.
A transition from the technical sphere to entrepreneurial management.
EUDE’s MBA is equivalent to 8 years’ professional experience.
Providing knowledge of all the areas in the company and business development.
The Master’s Degree in Business Administration – MBA is an intense journey into personal & professional development and transformation intended to prepare you to successfully address all the challenges you may encounter inside and outside a company. Businesses globalisation and digitalisation demand managerial renewal, as well as new ways of learning new skills that will empower managers to lead today’s and forthcoming organisations.
EUDE’s MBA has been devised and designed to train multidisciplinary managers, enabling them to effectively deal with various areas in a fast and changing business environment. The master’s will provide them with a global vision of the world in line with the current company needs.
The MBA programme is aimed at knowledgeable professionals, who question conventional thinking and seek a personal and professional challenge. Aimed at people wishing to boost their managerial career by attaining the necessary tools and knowledge to succeed in today’s changing business environment.
Our globalised vision of the world and business involves that the training you receive should hold an international perspective, a crucial aspect within the business environment. You will be able to develop your full potential and acquire new skills, learn and interact with managers from international companies, enlarging your knowledge and enriching your networking from day one.
EUDE Business School, an international postgraduate training institution, recognised by the main international rankings and media, accounts for 25 years’ academic training experience with over 100 000 students, professionals with work experience, entrepreneurs and leaders with an overall world view of things and willing to change the world.
The academic areas EUDE covers are: MBA, Marketing, Digital Marketing, International Trade, Logistics, Human Resources, Coaching, Finance, Environmental studies and its various training modalities; onsite Master’s Degree in Madrid, online Master’s or the combination of both; all the above allows us to offer alternatives fitting the students’ needs and above all, the market’s.
EUDE Business School has maintained its commitment to an online quality methodology since its inception. Therefore, and thanks to the innovative academic method of its virtual campus – recognized as one of the best and most important in Europe – the school remains ahead of the world’s online training. The platform favours the training of professionals at global level, without the usual space and time barriers of the onsite methodology. In this way, the student benefits from a fully flexible method
EUDE Business School relies on European, U.S. and Latin-American universities as its main university endorsement and academic partners, which allows its students to have access both to official and their own university degrees.
EUDE Business School works with over 1 200 national and international companies with the aim of enhancing its students’ progress.
José María Maestre
Antiguo alumno de EUDE y HP Business Partner en BT Global Services
“Todavía me acuerdo de la cercanía de los profesores, de su experiencia y de la profesionalidad con la que abordaban todo el temario”
Ver videoElena Talavera
Alumna del MBA y Máster en Marketing y Dirección Comercial
Elena Talavera, de nacionalidad española recientemente culminó un Máster en Marketing y Dirección Comercial online y actualmente se encuentra realizando un MBA. La alumna cuenta experiencia en grandes empresas internacionales, realizó prácticas en Inovación en RRHH, Grupo BLC – Madrid, Prácticas de investigación en dpto de Factor Humano (CIDAUT – Valladolid) y además fue Cultural Ambassador (UCIE - Ohio, USA). Actualmente vive en Suecia y forma parte de una de las compañías mas importantes en Europa, como Employer Branding en los headquartes de IKEA en Suecia. "Elegi EUDE por su buena reputación y sellos de calidad, el equipo profesional es uno de los aspectos que más destacaría del Máster, me prepararme para la competición del Jumping Talent, me dieron muy buenos consejos para en relación a mis prácticas o incluso recomendaciones para mi página web. Su compromiso con el estudiante es excelente. EUDE es una gran opción para realizar un programa de postgrado, pues nos forma en aquellas competencias y conocimientos que son más demandados actualmente por la mayor parte de las compañías, tienen su enfoque innovador, nos enseñan las ultimas best practice de grandes empresas (la innovación, competencia altamente requerida actualmente, la visión holística que nos da de la empresa, muy importante ya las empresas son cada vez más horizontales y sus departamentos están muy interconectados) y finalmente, la diversidad que podemos disfrutar por parte de nuestros compañeros, ya que somos de diferentes países y tenemos bagajes educacionales diferentes (una gran oportunidad para hacer networking internacional en este mundo globalizado.
Juan Díaz del Río
Director del MBA en EUDE Business School
“Somos un producto que está en el mercado y que necesita ingredientes para añadirnos valor. Un MBA es un ingrediente de primer nivel para tener más valor en el mercado” .
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